Edit Chart




Bar, Bullet, Gauge, Monitor, Multi, Pie or Scatter chart

Search Type

Datasource or Object Filter settings. Every object or table row results in one data group in the chart. The settings following the search type depend on the chosen type

Apply filter matrix query

If a filter matrix widget was configured in the dashboard, the chart will show values according to the current settings of the filter matrix

Search query

Editor for datasource queries

Order by

Define comma separated order of axis and values if applicable. Example: department desc, salary asc


If checked, the legend can be configured to be shown at the top or the bottom of the chart

Chart height

Height of the chart (without legend) in pixels

Color palette

Select the color palette for this chart.

Qualitative palettes are best used for distinct data categories.

Sequential palettes are useful for single variables.

Divergent palettes can be used for values that transition from one extreme to another.

Synchronize colors

If selected, all widgets on the dashboard use the same color for the same value if applicable


Show Pie chart in the form of a donut

Label type

Show key, value or percent as chart labels or do not show labels

Labels outside

Place labels outside of Pie chart

Label threshold

Show only labels for values above the configured threshold. If the label type is a percentage, a threshold of 10% must be configured as 0.1

Min / Max

Lowest and highest value to display with Bullet or Gauge chart


Specify target value for Monitor or Bullet chart or leave empty to take target value from SKOOR object configuration

Warning / Minor /Major

Define thresholds for Gauge or Bullet chart. Allows placeholders.

The Gauge chart allows to use "</>" to define upper or lower bounds. If "</>" is omitted, "<" is assumed. It is possible to combine an upper and lower bound using a ",". In the Bullet chart, all thresholds are treated as "<" and only "<" SKOOR object thresholds are displayed.


  • Lower than 10:

  • Greater than 10:

  • Lower than 10 or greater than 20:
    <10, >20

Show X axis

X axis labels are displayed if checked

Show controls

Switch on or off controls to select or deselect values in the chart

Show values

Values are or are not shown in the graph


Stack values inside one group

Separate stack colors

If selected, the order of colors is the same in all stacks of the chart but a color can not be associated with a certain value. Synchronize colors and Legend can not be selected together with this setting

Rotate labels

Angle to rotate the labels so they do not overlap


Specify the decimal places used for values


Display bars horizontal or vertical

Y Axis configuration

Precision of values, min and max value as well as the label shown on the left and right Y axis

X Axis Label

Label to display on the X Axis. Can be either a SKOOR object name, a SKOOR object property or a data source column


Datasource column, custom property or object name to use for pivot function or none if not used

Expand Interval

Bar- or Multi-Charts can expand their X axis in case of date values to the interval begin and end values set by a date picker

SKOOR object value or data source column

Color picker:




Name of the column as displayed in legend

Column / Value

Data source column or value key

Aggregate function

Aggregate values of this column


Color of the data serie

Hide in report

Hide column in PDF report


Line, area or bar

Y axis

left or right

Line style

Solid, dotted or dashed