سجل التغييرات في لوحة معلومات SKOOR


  • Table Widget
    • Aligns the styles of the different table filters with each other.
    • Fixes automatic column name to column title conversion when selecting a column in case the column name contains umlauts and other special characters.
    • Fixes bug that causes click actions to always use last row instead of the current.
  • Removes deprecated and partly broken widgets "KPI Monitor" and "KPI Value History"
  • Filter Matrix
    • Limits displayed filter options to 1000 to avoid browser freeze in case of too many options.
    • Allows to set sort mode to either "None", "Column/Property" or "Label Column" and sort options accordingly.
  • Report Widget
    • Adds default values for footer parts
    • Changes label default to use i18n placeholder instead of hardcoded value.
  • Adds arabic and italian translations (including RTL layout for arabic)
  • Adds CashPilot data source


  • Chart Widget
    • Fixes the calculation of data points when enforcing data point limits.
  • Does not load help resources anymore when rendering PDF report. This saves some roundtrips and causes less "not found" log messages on the Webservice.


  • Data Queries
    • Adjusts generate and explain button alignments
  • PDF Report
    • Hides arrows of date picker
    • Allows to hide header tiles in report
    • Fixes bug that causes filter matrix not being applied if combined with date picker.
  • Fixes bug that causes some widgets using wrong colors after switching from dark to light mode and vice versa.
  • Allows to display an image next to the tile title.


  • New Topology widget
    • Visualizes individual nodes within a network.
    • Displays the edges between nodes.
    • Supports various layout algorithms to arrange nodes and edges in a meaningful way.
    • Allows users to zoom in and out and pan across the topology for better navigation.
    • Enables defining click actions on both nodes and edges, such as revealing more details.
    • Allows grouping of nodes based on any arbitrary value, creating compound nodes.
    • Works with data source and data query.
  • Geo Map
    • Now supports Data Queries
    • Enables the display of links between points
  • Config validation
    • Identifies common configuration errors and shows an error message to help locate the issue more easily.
  • Widget preview
    • Offers instant feedback on the appearance of a widget on the dashboard while editing it.
  • Makes Object details dialog nicer
  • Text2SQL using SKOOR AI, OpenAI or Google Gemini
    • Facilitates writing and understanding data queries more easily with advanced AI solutions.
  • Inventory widget
    • Promotes nodes one level up if there is only a single item at the first level.
  • Click actions
    • Simplifies the linking between dashboards by providing a user-friendly click action editor.
  • Filter matrix enhancements
    • Completely rewritten to better accommodate future requirements.
    • Enables the definition of a label associated with a filter value.
  • Data Soure
    • Differentiates between null and empty strings in the data table.
    • Enables setting a data field to null using a reset button.
  • Chart widget
    • Introduces an additional size S for the single value chart.
    • Introduces distinct count as an aggregate function.
    • Resolves dark mode issues in the monitor chart.
    • Enables the pivot values form to function with parameterized data queries.
    • Improves row limit calculation by considering the number of columns and distinct pivot values.
    • Allows to set line interpolation mode (linear, monotone, step) in multi chart.
  • New Search widget
    • Provides a text input field that allows setting a URL parameter. For instance, this parameter can be utilized in a widget search query by using a placeholder.
  • Repeat feature for chart and text widgets
    • Enables rendering a widget multiple times based on the results of a data source or data query request.
  • Date Picker widget
    • Allows to select date ranges
    • Supports hour interval type


  • Fixes bug that causes table widget state statistics column to issue way too many requests.


  • Does not persist theme set in dashboard default params anymore.


  • Fixes bug that prevents cache invalidation for static assets.


  • Table
    • The setting of sort priority by the column sync feature has been altered due to its unintended application to every column, which typically results in significant performance degradation.
  • Fixes bug that prevents uploaded images to be refreshed


  • Fixes bug that prevents images from webservice to be cached properly.
  • Shows initial loading indicator while dashboard assets are loaded.


  • Ensures that a user always lands on its start dashboard when logging out and in again.
  • Chart widget
    • Fixes some edge cases when detecting interval from URL params


  • Migrates widgets that have enabled the Apply filter matrix option accidentially.


  • Pivot Table Widget
    • Adds top border to result table.
  • Removes limit of 10 concurrent async requests.


  • Table Widget
    • Fixes bug that sometimes causes Cannot read properties of null error when combined with filter matrix.


  • Data Sources
    • Adds StableNet data source.
    • Makes default Schema configurable for PostgreSQL data source.
    • Fixes bug that causes newly created data rows to "jump" around when inserting data.
    • Fixes bug that causes zeroes displayed as null in data preview.
  • Inventory Widget
    • Enables multitouch drag and zoom gestures on mobile.
    • Allows to render trees based on data source / data query rows.
  • Table Widget
    • Annotations -> Status Transitions Editor now focuses newly created entries.
  • Data Query Form
    • Adds a direct link to jump from dataSources/Queries to dashboards. Uses dropdowns instead of tooltips.
    • Sorts list of dependancies/dependants.
    • Makes parts resizable.
  • Filter Matrix Widget
    • Adds a (de-) select-all checkbox to the list.
    • Optimizes widgets that use the Filter Matrix filters. Before this fix, widgets sometimes performed two requests, the first without any filters applied, the second one directly after the first one using the correct filters. Now, the first request is not performed anymore, saving bandwith and computational resources on the backend.
  • Table Widget
    • Hides sub totals in case of only one row in a group.
    • Orders state columns by severity instead of alphabetically.
  • Defaults precision of configured Engine values to job definition instead of hard coded 0. This especially applies to SNMP diff values where the default precision is 3 instead of 0.
  • Keeps the initially passed theme parameter between dashboard changes.
  • Allows to resize navigation and some other panes using drag & drop.
  • Pivot Table widget
  • Uses new export/import endpoints from SKOOR Webservice.
  • Dialog form enhancements
    • Makes various lists orderable using drag & drop instead of clicking on up / down arrows.
  • PDF report
    • Fixes some styling bugs, especially regarding page wraps.


  • Table Widget
    • Improves scroll performance.
    • Allows to select text.


  • Geo Map Widget
    • Fixes bug that prevents column placeholders in HREF to work properly.


  • Prevents CodeEditor from saving when it lost the blur for a very short amount of time.
  • Uses fractional seconds for all timestamps to support millisecond precision.


  • Indicates running data query on run button.


  • Allows to choose a collector user in the data source write permissions.


  • Fixes bug that prevents dense layout to be activated using theme=dense.
  • Adjusts dense mode paddings a wee bit.
  • Adds zoom buttons to inventory widget.


  • Makes some widgets filling the available height if the parent tile setting "Align widget vertically" is set to "stretch".
    • Filter Matrix: The filter boxes are now distributed evently over the available height.
    • Geo Map and Inventory: Only uses available height if it is enabled in tile. Previously this was always done if the widget was the only one within a tile.
    • There is a migration in place that automatically applies the setting to the parent tile to emulate the previous behaviour.
  • Data Queries
    • Pre populates fields upon duplicate.
  • Inventory Widget
    • Adjusts background color of root node while not in circular mode.
  • Hides action button in plain theme.


  • Fixes bug that causes reference error when using columns[x] placeholder in chart expressions.


  • Fixes bug that causes theme colors to be reset if saved without making changes first.


  • Allows to configure page title and favicon in settings.json using title and faviconRoot.


  • Allows to maximize data query editor
  • Fixes bug that causes object details dialog to crash


  • Makes user menu icon visible again on mobile
  • Optimizes mobile layout


  • Makes trash icon on widget drawer only appear when we move a widget.


  • Adds annotations to the table widget
    • Annotation columns can be added to a table
    • Annotation status transition rules can be defined
  • Adds ability to edit data from datasource
    • Datasource tables can be edited, imported and exported
    • Tableschemas can edited and new tables can be created
    • Permissions for editing data and tables can be managed
  • Configurable refresh interval (minutely, hourly, daily) for materialized data queries
  • Many small changes to the overall design
  • Removes notification icon and docs link on dashboard viewer.
  • Allows to refresh materialized data queries on a fixed interval.


  • Allows to force dark/light mode using theme=dark / theme=light.


  • Improves performance of charts used in Chart Widget, Value History and State History


  • Ensures the dataqueries list on the dataqueries page is refreshed when there are changes
  • Disables UI style transitions while toggling dark mode


  • Improves contrast in dark mode.
  • Updates lightbulb images assets/images/lightbulb-{color}.svg and assets/images/lightbulb-{color}.png to match the new flat style.
  • Fixes widgets highlight border no longer visible when used via highlightedWidgets url parameter.
  • Table Widget


  • Chart Widget
    • Ensures that a chart does not contain duplicated colors.
  • Geo Map Widget
    • Fixes bug that causes the Geo Map with SKOOR objects not being updated upon Filter Matrix change.


  • Fixes widgets with percentage-based min-width sometimes wrapping to the next row
  • Ensures the correct icon is used for alarm groups in the new objects browser


  • Adds url parameter scrollTo, scrolls to the element with matching id if set
  • Value History Widget
    • Changes default mode to "worst state"
  • Improved styles of sidebars and buttons
  • Extracts data related settings pages into their own page (Data and objects)
  • State History Widget
    • Changes default mode to "worst state"
  • Improves styles of sidebars, buttons and dialogs
  • Replaces many icons
  • Table Widget
    • Do not show "No data" while data is loading.
    • Allows to trigger click actions only on double click.


  • Report widget
    • Fixes bug that breaks custom translations
    • Applies dashboard default params


  • Table Widget
    • Fixes handling of interval URL parameter in search query.
  • Subnavigation Widget
    • Adds new option hide labels
    • Fixes active state not always being visible in navigation items


  • Table Widget
    • Fixes handling of expression columns in export.
    • Converts HTML formatted content to plain text in export.
  • Inventory Widget
    • Allows to use object properties in object HREF again


  • PDF Report
    • Ensures that a table gets wrapped correctly if it spans multiple pages.


  • Allows exporting single dataqueries using the edit menu
  • Displays potential export errors on the export dialog
  • Ensures dataquery form is updated when dataqueries are imported
  • Ensures dataquery refresh link always includes the full url


  • Correctly maps data queries when exporting / importing dashboards.


  • Data Import Settings Page
    • Removes default converter because SKOOR ETL does not support it anymore.


  • Unifies Dashboard Layout Engines
    • Replaces the previous Flex- and Grid-layout engines
    • Allows splitting tiles on both axis using the layout editor
    • Allows merging tiles (if they line up) using the layout editor
  • Adds materialized Dataqueries
    • Dataqueries can be materialized to improve performance
  • Reworks Dataqueries Page
    • Reworks the page and its forms
    • Auto-saves while editing queries
    • Adds ability to materialize queries, define their indices and refresh the generated views
    • Adds pagination, filtering and sorting to data preview (also on the Datasources page)
  • Value History / State History
    • Improves reset of current page in case of parameter change (e.g. caused by filter matrix)
  • Table Widget
    • Fixes a bug that broke column overflow setting ellipsis.
    • Removes marquee option from column overflow setting.
  • UI Improvements
    • Sidebars scroll to the active element on intial load
    • Sidebars allow filtering when displaying more than 7 elements
    • Dashboards can now be dragged into other groups more easily (even closed ones)
    • Custom theme is displayed on startup and no longer kicks in after a moment (if it has been loaded before)
    • Allows the logo-height to be restricted to the same height as the dashboard title
    • Displays headertile as first tile in content, when on mobile
  • Improves Inventory performance
    • Uses new specialized endpoint of webservice to massively reduce requests to backend.
    • Opens the tree level by level until 100 nodes are reached. This ensures that we always see relevant objects but do not overwhelm the browser with too many nodes.
  • PDF Reports
    • Makes PDF reports faster and more reliable


  • Allows to use values from filter matrix as placeholders (e.g. ${filterMatrix.category}).


  • Chart Widget
    • Fixes expressions in single value charts
  • Date Picker Widget
    • Fixes some interval types not being selectable


  • Fixes a bug that broke accessing dashboards using URL names.


  • Chart Widget
    • Fixes 'minY' and 'maxY' values not being saved


  • Chart Widget
    • Fixes legend value positions on charts with time based x axis
    • Avoids scroll bars in case of legend values and non stacked bars
    • Fixes a bug that causes the Show X Axis checkbox of multi chart not being clickable.
  • Filter Matrix
    • Allows to reset each filter matrix individually in case of multiple filter matrixes on the same dashboard
  • State History
    • Fixes a bug that broke the ability to change the timerange in the state history dialog.


  • Fixes a bug that crashed the date-picker widget, if the interval was an invalid date


  • Chart Widget
    • Allows to display chart values or aggregates in a table below the chart.
  • Value history
    • Integrates the aggregates table into the legend.


  • Fixes a bug that prevented moving hotspots by mouse in hotspot map editor.


  • Fixes a bug that sometimes after saving a widget would still show the old value until page reload


  • Adds vertical alignment setting to tile (defaults to top)
  • No longer shows dashboard navigation if only one dashboard is visible
  • Makes widgets scroll their content area, if a min-width is defined but the widget container is not wide enough
  • Adds files tab to settings which allows admins to manage files
  • Makes image selector scroll to selected image when opening in dialog
  • Fixes a bug that prevented editing of users with non existent startup object
  • Allows to display aggregate table in aggregate value history
  • Fixes a bug that prevented opening the Value History dialog in case of URL params used in conditions.


  • Fixes broken vertical alignment of widgets.


  • Fixes a bug that sometimes prevented the PDF reports from being generated.


  • Fixes a bug that prevented correct string interpolation on HREFs in Geo Map widget


  • Fixes a bug in the table widget that prevented some rows to be displayed
  • Ensures the widget title is always displayed if set


  • Fixes a bug that prevented editor users from creating groups


  • Fixes a problem where the text widget would no longer allow SVG images in the content


  • Makes changelog available in english, german and french


  • Fixes a bug where reports might not display text in the right locale


  • Adds Translations and Language Picker
    • SKOOR Dashboard and SKOOR Docs can now switch languages between english, french and german
  • State History Widget
    • Adds sort order option
    • Adds href option for clicking an item
  • Date Picker Widget
    • Can now control if future dates are selectable
    • Can now specify the minimum date (or a rolling offset) that is selectable
  • Table Widget
    • Adds display as HTML option for columns
  • Inventory Widget
    • Adds minimum and maximum zoom levels
    • Makes text elements not grow when zooming (instead show more content)
  • Chart Widget
    • Reworks chart labels to be more legible
  • General Improvements and Fixes
    • Adds "Only show if has data" option to widgets
    • Adds "Current Dashboard" option in dashboard selectors
    • Reworks data query diff and publish dialogs
    • Fixes "allow grow" option on tiles
    • Ensures charts rerender correctly when toggling dark mode
    • Various UI tweaks


  • Resolves enum values in string interpolation.


  • Removes current dashboaboard from redirect URL upon login in dashboard viewer. This way a user will always be redirected to its start dashboard after login.


  • Fixes "Hide in report" for tiles


  • Value History
    • Fixes calculation of data points


  • Custom theme
    • A logo can be defined that is displayed in the dashboard header
    • Colors can be customized for light and dark theme
  • Easier permissions
    • The dashboard and group edit dialogs now display the permissions
    • Permissions can be edited in place (admin role needed)
  • Datasource preview
    • Datasources display a preview of their tables and rows in the admin section
  • Table expressions (beta)
    • Columns can now specify an expression to calculate its value
    • There are still some limitations around sort, filter and aggregates
  • General improvements
    • Widget skeletons are displayed in case of no data or error
    • In edit mode widgets reveal their hidden UI on tile hover instead of widget hover
    • Added SKOOR Docs to user menu (reworked SKOOR Docs)
    • Reworked error screens
    • Many subtle UI improvements, mostly around the use of colors and animations


  • Fixes 'hide on small screen' option not working
  • Date Picker Widget
    • Fix business-year-start-month field not visible in settings


  • Fixes render issue that causes navigation to be visible for a very brief moment although theme is set to plain.


  • Table
    • Adjusts column types when switching between search types "dataSource" and "dataQuery"
  • Fixes default parameters when a dashboard is accessed using its URL name


  • Data queries
    • Fixes reload bug when publishing queries
  • Increases data reload interval to 3 minutes.
  • Table
    • Adds client side property filter.
  • Allows placeholders in chart data series title


  • Navigation
    • Ensures that all dashboards of a group are visible even in case of many, many dashboards (> 80 in one group).


  • Optimizes some paddings and margins in PDF export
  • Table Widget
    • Fixes "Show Empty Rows" option when "Aggregate Row Function" is active


  • Improves performance of charts. Charts are not any longer rendered one by one but in parallel instead.
  • Fixes blank screen when creating data query


  • General improvements
    • Allows opening multiple dashboard groups
    • Allows dragging dashboards from one group to another
    • Adds duplicate dashboard action
    • Adds global custom styles (can be edited in admin section)
    • Improves hints in code-fields
    • Improves image-selector
    • Optimizes http calls (fewer requests)
  • New widgets
    • Adds subnavigation widget
    • Adds image widget
  • Table widget
    • Adds ability to show subtotals
    • Resets page on param change
  • Inventory widget
    • Adds new radial display mode
    • Removes "Hide objects not in path" option
    • Allows to fully customize colors using CSS
    • Reduces HTTP calls to Webservice
  • UI improvements
    • Adds skeleton components for widgets (shown while loading)
    • Allows deleting widgets by dragging onto the new "delete" button
    • Ensures more coherent design in admin pages
    • Adds more animations
    • Improves many form fields
  • Settings
    • Shows "References", "Referenced by" and "Dashboards" for data queries
    • Keeps last visited page when switching between Settings and Dashboard


  • Keeps param values in data queries


  • Fixes dashboard crash in case of invalid placeholders
  • Inventory
    • Adds form part legends in form


  • Table
    • Fixes error if "Page Size" is not set in object table
  • Bar Chart
    • Fixes edge case in "Others" handling


  • Table
    • Beautifies checkboxes in column form
  • Data Queries
    • Removes "Recursive" checkox from group delete confirmation dialog
  • Fixes some help-links in the footer to point to the correct help-page


  • Grid layout
    • Fixes tile delete
    • Correctly handles hidden tiles in print mode
  • PDF report
    • Defaults to be hidden in print mode


  • PDF Report
    • Does not show empty header tile
    • Fix hidden tiles
  • Allows custom table cell colors again
  • Displays login button on mobile viewer again


  • UI improvements
    • Improves some text and line colors for dark mode in chart widget
    • Data Queries
      • Fixes overflowing code editor in data query admin section
      • Fixes reload of data after publishing a data query
      • Gets rid of edit button to unlock editor of published query
    • Fixes some print mode styles to get more similar results to 5.5
    • Fixes Sentry integration which causes a white screen on error


  • Improvements
    • Always opens widget form with non maximized editor (e.g. in Hotspot Map)
  • Hotspot Map
    • Fixes Hotspot Drag & Drop


  • UI bugfixes
    • Fixes autocomplete/hints in code editors (e.g. search query editor)


  • UI improvements
    • Faster loading (less spinners)
    • Makes widgets usable during load
  • Geo Map
    • Removes Google Street View control
    • Fixes background in darkmode


  • Geo Map
    • Avoids spinners on other widgets when geo map changes its bounds.


  • UI bufixes
    • Fixes layout overflow of some widgets when title is set
    • Removes 1 pixel gap between widgets that caused some widgets to unexpectetly wrap to the next row


  • General UI changes
    • Reworks the general layout and design
    • Moves groups and dashboards navigation to the left side of the screen (can be hidden)
    • Adds new user menu to the top right side of the screen
    • Reworks the titlebar and header-tiles
  • Added dark mode (toggle it in the user menu)
    • Respects and remembers the user preference
  • Added notifications
    • Uses to display "whats new" of major and minor versions
  • Reworks datepicker widget to fit better into the new design
  • Reworks app dialogs
    • Added inline help for some dialogs (more to come)
  • Edit mode
    • Moved the edit button above the new navigation
    • Replaces all toolbars with edit menus (visible when hovering)
    • Reworks widget drawer
    • Reworks drag/drop of widgets
    • Adds drag/drop for dashboards and groups in the navigation
    • Adds create/edit/delete group dialogs
    • Reworks dashboard and tile edit dialogs
    • Removes custom header and theme from dashboard edit dialog
    • Adds "dense spacing" option for dashboards
  • Many changes under the hood
  • Gauge Chart
    • Changes automatic max calculation. In the previous implementation, when thresholds were present, max was only calculated using those and the actual value was completely ignored (max(thresholds) _ 1.1). In case of a value significantly greater than all thresholds, the needle did always stick on the very right side and didn't reflect the real value. The new implementation also takes the actual value into account (max(thresolds, value) _ 1.1) which leads to clearer charts.
  • Multi Chart
    • Allows source data popup for line
    • Fixes source data popup X value for area
  • Outage history
    • Uses interval from date picker
    • Increases limit of displayed outages to 500 and show latest instead of oldest outages.
    • Displays warning if there are more than 500 outages.