EEM result browser

This page provides an overview of all enduser experience monitoring (EEM) results.

Only users with the admin role are permitted to view this page

Starting at the different types of EEM measurements (SmartBear, SikuliX and Selenium), the browser leads to SKOOR monitoring devices and finally to all EEM jobs of a device.

On EEM job level, an overview page shows the last results:

Click the breadcrumb bar items below the title to get back to the root page of the result browser, the EEM type devices or jobs.

Below the last results section, a detailed overview shows the measurement states history with duration of successful and failed test phases:

Each failed phase contains the script version, timer output and logfile at that time as well as the measurement steps (timers) that failed in such a phase. If screenshots are captured and the video function on the respective job is on, the screenshot and video is available as well.