
While the skoor dashboard itself is automatically displayed in the users preferred language, labels and other texts within the dashboard are not. To help you create dashboards that adapt to the users language preference we added the translations section to the SKOOR Dashboard.

Manage translations

To manage translated text fragments in the SKOOR Dashboard, visit the Translations page within Settings. You can find the Settings page in the usermenu on the top right of the dashboard, given that your user has the respective rights.

On the Translations page you can add, edit and delete text fragments and their groups. Each text fragment is later identified by its group and key. Languages can be added on the top row. Use the ISO 639-1 code when adding a new language.

Using translations in the dashboard

All text fragments that are defined on the Translations page can be referenced in any Placeholder enabled field in the dashboard itself like titles, labels or descriptions.

In order to reference text fragments, use the i18n keyword, followed by the group and the key of the referenced fragment. The following code is an example: ${}

Language detection

The SKOOR Dashboard detects the users language preference from their browser settings. It respects the users language order and resolves to the first language we have translations for. If we cannot detect any language that we support, the dashboard falls back to english.

Curently there is no way to change the language within the dashboard.