SKOOR Engine
With SKOOR Engine, SKOOR AG offers a product that is not as complex and costly as the large framework solutions, featuring a degree of scalability where many other specialized providers tend to lack.
Automated service reports
The SKOOR Engine Service Level manager creates and combines information taken from all service relevant IT elements, e.g. applications, servers, networks - and presents these in automated reports as an End−to−End service. Business managers, technical managers and technicians can get as much information as they need to find out about the current and future stability and availability of the whole infrastructure or service.
Adaptive alarm management
Alarms are activated by a customer defined escalation procedure and transmitted via SMS, pager or email directly to the technician in charge. The events have to be acknowledged as further alarms will otherwise be set off. The software automatically transmits the cause of the error and presents the respective log files on the main screen.
Efficient measuring method
With the implementation of measuring procedures based on industry standards, the SKOOR Engine enables the inclusion of all service relevant components in an IT environment - independent of any software or hardware manufacturer. Intelligent user guidance allows the complete configuration and operation of an End−to−End service in the shortest time.
Distributed, scalable architecture
The central processing unit (Business Layer), database, agents and user interface can be installed on different hardware platforms and they intercommunicate via a standard protocol. SKOOR Engine enables the unlimited scalable expansion of the service management platform using Distributed Service Assurance Agents (DSAA).