Hardware requirements

The hardware requirements for SKOOR Engine and Collector depend on several factors. The most important are:

  • Number of measurements per second

  • Number of Dashboards and Widgets: more CPU cores allow more parallel read requests

Disk size requirements mainly depend on how much data will be saved to the database. Key factors are the number of history values and history states which have to be saved. It also depends on the period for which the data should be available before it expires. Expired data will be deleted. Measurement values are stored for one year per default (adjustable).

It is advisable to discuss requirements directly with SKOOR.

Nevertheless, here are some recommendations:



Intel Xeon or AMD64, 64bit architecture is required. i386 and IA64 architecture is NOT supported.

At least 4 CPU cores must be present. The SKOOR Engine will not start otherwise. If running the SKOOR engine inside a virtual machine, make sure to assign the virtual CPUs on the same CPU socket (i.e. do not spread CPUs across multiple sockets)


Gigabit interface

SKOOR Engine:


6 GB minimum, 8 GB for use with dashboards


At least 1 disk. For better performance it is advisable to split the database filesystems for indexes and tablespaces.

An advanced setup might be:

  • 300 GB                 for operating system, /opt, /srv and /var filesystems

  • 200 GB                 for database index filesystem

  • 200 GB                 for database tablespace filesystem

Please consider internal requirements like disk striping/mirroring.

SKOOR Engine Collector: 


2 GB


1 disk is sufficient. Disk I/O is usually lower compared to the server