Outage Counter

The Outage counter widget gives you an overview of the outages that occurred on certain objects in your SKOOR model.

If you click an object in the Name column, the detail page opens for further information as well as the possibility to open the state history on the right-hand side:

Editing outage counter widget

First, SKOOR Engine objects must be defined in the object section to provide data for the widget. This widget will get the outages from the objects and lets you display them in an outage counter. Details on filtering objects are described in the object filter guide.


The following table describes the available settings and their purpose.




Defines the range of time to count the outages from

Page size

Number of rows visible on one page of the widget

Show count

Display the number of outages of the selected objects

Show total

Display the total time of outages

Show max

Display the maximum outage time

Show major

Count, total and/or max values are displayed for outages of state major

Show minor

Count, total and/or max values are displayed for outages of state minor

Show warning

Count, total and/or max values are displayed for outages of state warning