
Tables consist of configurable columns and can list SKOOR object values or data from an external data source:

Each row of a table corresponds to a single SKOOR object or a row in the external data source and can list its various values.


For each column a filter field can be configured in the column's header. It can be used to filter the rows of the table to either match a specific text string or show only rows that match a currently existing listed value or text using a dropdown-list. Filters do also support the following list of operators:


All text filters support the wildcard *. This allows to search for parts of a string.

  • Dev*

  • Dev*ment

  • *ment

  • 100*

  • 2022*

Columns containing numbers or dates

  • IN(x,y,z)
    Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column matches the value in the filter.

  • NOT(IN(x,y,z))
    Inversion of in

  • BETWEEN(x,y)      
    Specify two values. Result includes only records wehre the data in the column is between the two given values.

  • >
    Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than the value in the filter.

  • <
    Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than the value in the filter.

  • >=
    Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than or the same as the value in the filter.

  • <= 
    Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than or the same as the value in the filter.

Columns containing Text

  • AND(x,y,z)
    Specify two or more strings or characters. Results include only records with all of the given strings.

  • OR(x,y,z)
    Specify two or more strings or characters. Results include only records with at least one of the given strings.

  • NOT(x)
    Specify a character or string. Results include only records with no occurence of the given string.

Text filters can also be nested.

Reset filters

All filters can be reset with the respective link above the table:

Fixed headers and columns

The header as well as a defined amount of columns can be fixed in table settings

Aggregation and Sub Aggregation

Rows with numerical values can be aggregated (sum, avg, min, max). Additionally, values can be grouped by column values and aggregated again:

Column types

The following column types can be configured:




Shows the name of an SKOOR object


Shows the type of an SKOOR object


Shows the subtype of an SKOOR object


Shows the state of a SKOOR object. The state can be visualized either as a Lightbulb or as simple text. Clicking the state opens the object's State history


Shows a specific property of a SKOOR object


Counts the number of SKOOR objects based on a filter or search operation


Shows a value of an SKOOR object


If the row contains an object of type job, the name of the related device is displayed


Shows the parent object of the current object


Reason of states not equal to OK


Messages generated from jobs


Shows a column value of a data source row