
Tables consist of configurable columns and can list SKOOR object values or data from an external data source


Each row of a table corresponds to a single SKOOR object or a row in the external data source and can list its various values.


For each column a filter field can be configured in the column's header. It can be used to filter the rows of the table to either match a specific text string or show only rows that match a currently existing listed value or text using a dropdown-list. Filters do also support the following list of operators:


All text filters support the wildcard *. This allows to search for parts of a string.

  • Dev*

  • Dev*ment

  • *ment

  • 100*

  • 2022*

Columns containing numbers or dates

  • IN(x,y,z)
    Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column matches the value in the filter.

  • NOT(IN(x,y,z))
    Inversion of in

  • BETWEEN(x,y)      
    Specify two values. The result includes only records where the data in the column is between the two given values.

  • >
    Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than the value in the filter.

  • <
    Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than the value in the filter.

  • >=
    Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is greater than or the same as the value in the filter.

  • <= 
    Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column is less than or the same as the value in the filter.

Columns containing Text

  • AND(x,y,z)
    Specify two or more strings or characters. Results include only records with all of the given strings.

  • OR(x,y,z)
    Specify two or more strings or characters. Results include only records with at least one of the given strings.

  • NOT(x)
    Specify a character or string. Results include only records with no occurence of the given string.

Text filters can also be nested.

Reset filters

All filters can be reset with the respective link above the table:


Fixed headers and columns

A fixed header and columns count can be configured in the table settings:


Aggregation and Sub Aggregation

Rows with numerical values can be aggregated (sum, avg, min, max). Additionally, values can be grouped by column values and aggregated again:

Column types

For further details on editing Columns, check the below section Column Details

The following column types can be configured:




Shows the name of a SKOOR object


Shows the type of a SKOOR object


Shows the subtype of a SKOOR object


Shows the state of a SKOOR object. The state can be visualized either as a Lightbulb or as simple text. Clicking the state opens the object's State history

State Statistics

Shows a percentage of a specific state over a specific time range for a SKOOR object (State and time range are customizable)


Shows a specific property of a SKOOR object


Counts the number of SKOOR objects based on a filter or search operation


Shows a value of a SKOOR object


If the row contains an object of type job, the name of the related device is displayed


Shows the parent object of the current object


Reason of states not equal to OK


Messages generated from jobs


Shows a flag for selection


Shows the planned and ongoing maintenances of a SKOOR object


Shows a column value of a data source row


Shows a column value of a data query


Shows a specific expression in the table row


Adds annotations to the table row

Editing Table widget:


The table configuration is divided into two parts.

  • In the first part, general table settings are configured such as the table header, number of rows per page, or aggregation functions

  • The second part, the Data Source section, is all about the actual data in the table, mainly generated by SKOOR objects or stored in a database. In this section, data can be loaded, filtered, para-enriched by overlays, and so on

    • SKOOR objects can be loaded using an object filter. Every object generated by the filter results in one row in the table

    • Databases can be queried using the search type Data Source (tables or views) or Data Query (SQL)

Table Settings




Page size

Number of rows which are visible per page. If there are more rows, a page selector is shown

Show all pages in report

If unchecked, only the first page of a paged table will be visible in reports

Show empty rows

Show empty rows if the number of rows is lower than Page size.

Show header

Show or hide table header. Please note that default column filters are always used, even if a column or the whole header is hidden

Fixed header

The header keeps visible when the rows are scrolled vertically

Alternate row background color

Adjacent rows are displayed in slightly different colors to increase readability

Fixed columns count

Number of Columns starting from left that will remain visible when scrolled horizontally

Aggregate row

Adds a row with aggregated values to the table.

  • Applies only to numerical columns with Show aggregated value enabled

Aggregate row position

Display aggregated values on top or at the bottom of the table

Sub-aggregate column count

Adds an aggregation row based on one or more columns

  • If set to 2 columns, the aggregation row title will be added to the third column, followed by aggregated values

  • Aggregation titles like Subtotal or Average will not be added to columns of numerical or date types

  • Aggregation can be switched on or off in the column configuration

Show nested sub aggregates

Adds a subtotal over an aggregated value group. The following example shows the total of all branches plus the subtotal per branch and department 

Keep filters

If Keep filters is active, dynamic column filters are not cleared on a page change

Allow export

Data can be exported to CSV or XLSX formats

Click action

Specify an action to be done, when an item is clicked in the table.

Data Source



Search Type

Select the reqired data source. The fields of the data source part of the configuration change according to the search type

Object, Objects below

Select one or more SKOOR objects using the common object filters

Data Source

Select a database. Databases are configured in the Data and Objects section


Select one of the tables or views of a database

Data Query

Select a Data Query. Data Queries are configured in the Data and Objects section

Apply Filter Matrix Query

If a filter matrix widget is configured on the dashboard, filters of that widget are applied if the columns of both widgets match

Search Query

Define filters as described in Data source query editor


Check Allow annotations to enable the annotations feature. Make sure one or more columns are defined as key here which is used to map each annotation to a data row:


Click Sync columns to add all available columns from the configured table or data query. If only a subset of the available columns are used, click Add column to add columns or delete the unused ones after syncing all of them. To change the column order, just drag & drop column items.

Open the settings by clicking a column item:





Column type dependent on the Search type defined in the Data source section of the widget


Name of the column. This is displayed in the table header


Expression field to use Placeholders as column header, if empty the value in Name will be used.

Trigger on double click

The action defined in ClickAction section is only triggerd by a double click


Exact width in pixels or % (optional)

Min width

Minimal column width in pixels or % (optional)


Align text left, centered, or right

Header height

Height of the header in pixels

Filter type

Type of dynamic filter

  • none

  • select (filter by available values from the current table)

  • text (filter by text)

  • multiselect

Text match

Only available if Filter type is set to text.

Defines the table filter behaves.

  • exact: Does an exact match.

  • contains: Matches if the value contains the filter text.

  • starts_with: Matches if the values starts with the filter text.

  • ends_with: Natches if the values ends with the filter text.

The wildcard character * can be used in all text match modes (even in exact)

Default filter

The dynamic filter text can be preset. Please note that the filter is active even if the column is not shown

Sort priority

Set a sort priority to make the column sortable. Rows are sorted according to the sort priority. If two columns have the same sort priority, the priority is determined by the column precedence

Default sort direction

Sort ascending or descending per default


Whether to show the column (default) or not. Please note that default filters are active even for hidden columns

Hide if empty

Hide the column if no table cow contains a value for this column

Hide on small screens

Hide the column if it does not fit into the screen

Hide repetitions

Hide repetitive values. This can be used to achieve a kind of grouping:

Merge duplicate rows

Show only one of all rows with the same value in this column 

Show aggregated value

Switch on or off this value in aggregation rows on top or below the table

Header direction

Horizontal or vertical header. If you choose vertical, you have to set Header height to an appropriate value (due to technical reasons, the header size can't be determined automatically)

Display as HTML

Interpret HTML tags in this column

Conditional class

Specifically for Count columns.
Use this option to specify conditional classes for values, which allows styling using these classes.

Custom object

Set to use a custom SKOOR Object

Column types settings


Displays the name of the row object. No settings available.


Displays the type of the row object. No settings available.

Sub type

Displays the sub type of the row object. No settings available.


Displays the state of the row object as lightbulb or text.



Display Type

Select how to display the state of a SKOOR object:

  • Lightbulb image-20240903-073725.png

  • Format image-20240903-073739.png


The column where the state could be found.

All states in select

Show all states in the filter.


When the search type returns SKOOR objects, the click action may be defined for the column. By activating Custom object you can show the state of an arbitrary SKOOR object (selected by object filter). 

When search type is data source or data query, select the column that contains the required states from the Column dropdown:

If the state column is used on a data source or data query based table, values can be mapped to states (SKOOR Dashboard >= 7.1.2).

To map multiple values to one state, values can be defined as a comma separated list.

State statistics

Calculates the percentage of the object being in the selected state. If a custom object is configured in the column, more than one object can be selected by the search filter. All objects are aggregated by the selected aggregate function in this case.




Select the state you want to get its statistics

Maintenance as Ok

Set whether maintenance should be considered as Ok

Aggregate function

Select an aggregate function to be used in calculating the state statistics.


Displays a property of the row object.


Counts objects based on an object filter

The Conditions field accepts the usual placeholders.

To get a reference to the row object one can use the following condition snippet:

  "item": "id",
  "operator": "eq",
  "expression": %id%

It is also possible to set a custom class for a given count. This is especially useful for coloring counts greater than a specified value:

Useful classes:

  • bold

  • major

  • minor

  • warning

  • ok


Displays a value of the row object. By activating Custom object you can show the value of an arbitrary SKOOR object (selected by object filter). 

The value can be defined by its value key. Return values and string values accept the index in array notation (e.g. returnValue[0]) or the name of the defined unit.



Value name

Specify the name of the value of a SKOOR Object.

Show unit

Set whether to show the unit of that value or not.

Aggregate function

Select an aggregate function to be applied on the value.

Device name

Displays the name of the related device if the object is a job.


Displays the parent object of the current object.


The reason why objects are in a state like major, minor or warning.


Displays job info message if available.


Adds options to add or remove maintenance as well as a checkbox to each row.


Displays current maintenances.

Data source

Displays a column value of a data source table.

The aggregate function can be set to aggregate values of the column.

If the column is of type float, it is possible to set the precision of the value.




Select the desired column of the Data Source.

Aggregate function

Select an aggregate function to be applied on the column value.


Set the precision of the value (for floats).

Time format

Define a preferred time format.

Data Query

Displays a column value of a data query. The same configuration options as for data sources apply also for data query columns.


Expression columns can calculate values from other columns configured in this table widget. Other columns can be referenced in two ways:

  • ${columns.<column name>}

  • ${columns[“<column name”]}

As <column name>, set exactly the name configured in the respective column (e.g. capital letter at the beginning)

Please visit also the Placeholders page for details.


With this column type, users may enrich the data of a data source or data query by annotations. There are five types of annotation columns:



Display type

A dropdown list with the desired type of the annotation:

  • Button

  • Status

  • Description

  • Created

  • User


Adds a button to each row of the table to add annotations.

Also, a fixed set of states can be configured here with possible transitions between them. Click the Add button to add states:

A transition from the undefined state must be configured. Otherwise, no annotations can be added at all


Display the current annotation status of each row


Display the current annotation description


Display the date the annotation was created


Display the user that created the annotation

Please visit the Annotations page for further details.

Advanced column settings

Click actions

Depending on the colum type, click actions can be defined for drilldown or to navigate somewhere on click. See Click action for details.

Cell styling


It is possible to customize the style of each table cell using CSS. This can be done by either using inline CSS (Header cell style, Table cell style) or CSS classes which can be defined in the Style settings of a dashboard.



Header cell class

Provide a class name for the header (could be used in CSS styling)

Header cell style

Define specific styling of the header (in CSS)

Table cell class

Provide a class name for the whole table (could be used in CSS styling)

Table cell style

Define specific styling for the whole table (in CSS)

Header direction

Horizontal or vertical header. If you choose vertical, you have to set Header height to an appropriate value (due to technical reasons, the header size can't be determined automatically)


Select the default handling of overflows:

  • wrap

  • ellipsis

Styling Tables

Content dependent icon

Since SKOOR Dashboard 7.1.2 it is possible to use the state column on data source and data query based tables. Values can be mapped to states and the corresponding lightbulbs are shown. See for further details.

Using the featured introduced with SKOOR Dashboard 7.1.2 the same example below would look like this:




Table cell content (e.g. OK) should be replaced with an icon (e.g. lightbulb).


  1. Set Table cell class in column settings



In the above example, the class value is taken from the third column of each row. In the example it will result in a class set to status statusOK.

  1. Add some CSS in the dashboard settings dialog

/* Set a lightbulb as default background image for tds with class status */
td.status {
  background-image: url('assets/images/lightbulb-grey.svg');
  background-size: 15px;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center 6px;

 * Absolute positioned elements (the tooltip in this case) always take the 
 * next not static positioned element as the anchor point
td.status > div {
  position: relative;
  overflow: visible; 

 * Makes the inner td absolute positioned and style the span that it looks like a tooltip.
 * Initially, the tooltip is hidden.
td.status > div > span {    
    padding: 2px;
    position: absolute;
    top: -3px;
    left: 30px;    
    text-align: left;
    background-color: #eff0f1;
    border: 1px solid #c7cbce;
    -moz-border-radius: 2px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 2px;
    -ms-border-radius: 2px;
    border-radius: 2px;
    white-space: nowrap;

/* Shows the tooltip on hover */
td.status:hover > div > span {
  display: block;

 * Defines the background image for the defined value. 
 * You need one of those for each possible content, undefined values
 * will display the default image.
td.statusOK {
  background-image: url('assets/images/lightbulb-green.svg');

This will result in a nice icon displaying the original text on hover.

Please note that since we only handled the class statusok the rest of the classes are all having the standard grey lightbulb


Instead of using a file URL for the images it is also possible to embed the images directly into the CSS using data URLs:

td.statusOK {
  background-image: url('');

the outcome would look like this:
