Main screen Configuration

In the following sections, the main screen panels are described. The items of each panel are described from left to right.


Info line

The info line shows the name of the SKOOR license, current user information or error messages and the server time

Quick search field

Find objects by entering part or full object name. A default search path can be configured on operating system level

DBSOpens SKOOR Dashboards

Opens the browser for Enduser Experience Monitoring (EEM) test results


Opens the Map editor view


Opens the Operations monitor view


Extended search function, manage templates, custom properties and reports


Logout from SKOOR 


Information about the current SKOOR Engine environment


Open path

On click on the tree icon, a small object browser opens for navigation

Path historyGet the recently used paths and tree navigation
Back / forwardNavigate one step back or forward in the path history
Path lineClick on a path item to navigate directly into that position

Left panel

Top row

Current position

State and name of the current position in the object tree

Edit buttonEdit the current object
Alarms buttonShow alarms of the current object
Functions menuSelect from functions available for the current object
Fullscreen buttonChange window size to full screen

Middle part

SKOOR object

Each row shows one object which can be clicked to navigate downwards in the object tree. The colored lightbulb shows the current state of this object

Object typeType symbol
Edit buttonOpen the right panel screen to edit this object
Alarms buttonShow alarms of the current object
Functions menuSelect from functions available for the current object
Child objectsShow child objects in the right panel

Bottom row

Tree / Flat viewSKOOR objects can be displayed as a list of objects per type (Flat) or a tree
EQLShows the EQL command line for command based administration

Multi select button

Click to activate multi select checkboxes. Depending on the object types, actions can be performed on all selected objects at once

Status line

The status line is described in detail in section Status line.

Detail descriptions

About button

All relevant operating system information is collected on one page. With the Send To button one can send an email to the SKOOR support team.

Clicking the Show Manual button opens the SKOOR Engine user’s guide in a new browser window or a PDF viewer.

A file listing of all available documentation on SKOOR Engine server is available by clicking Documentation. The file area opens in a new browser window or tab, which allows downloading the latest documentation.

The Webservice button opens a new browser window or tab with the Status and documentation on the SKOOR Webservice and its REST API.

The Dashboard button opens a new browser window or tab with the documentation on SKOOR Dashboards.

Multi select

Certain operations like Delete, Set state or Add revaluation can be performed on multiple objects at the same time. If the multi select button is active, objects can be selected at their right-hand side using checkboxes. If one or more objects are selected, an operation can be chosen from the dropdown list at the bottom of the SKOOR Engine UI. The available operations vary depending on the selected objects.

Logout button

Logs out the current session. If running as another user, logout will revert to the original user account.

All further buttons will be explained in their own separate chapters.