SKOOR Software Repository

Online Repository Installation

The SKOOR Engine software is delivered by a yum repository. Ask SKOOR support for an rpm to make the repository available on the SKOOR servers. The rpm package will be delivered together with a user and password that is used to synchronize the software repository with the SKOOR repository server.

Connectivity / Firewall

To download the required software from the SKOOR repository as well as a third party repository, the following URLs must be accessible from the SKOOR server and collectors used for Enduser Experience Monitoring (EEM):

Installing SKOOR Online Repo

dnf install skoor-repo.*.rpm
dnf clean all

During installation, the user and password will be asked from the installation scripts:

Enter username:
Enter password:

Offline Repository Installation

If the online repository can not be used for some reason, the skoor-offline-repo RPM can be used. This RPM contains all SKOOR packages, their depenencies and some more commonly used packages (~3.5 GB).

Installing SKOOR Offline Repo

Depending on your setup, e.g. if the system is not even allowed to use the base repositories, existing YUM repositories have to be disabled. The following command can be used BEFORE installing skoor-offline-repo.

sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo

dnf install skoor-offline-repo-8.0-8.rh9.x86_64.rpm
dnf clean all

Installing SKOOR

The installation can now be done either by using SKOOR Bootstrap or manually.